Sunday 26 January 2014

Knitty Gritty

Recently I've been brushing up on my much neglected knitting skills. I get so carried away with sewing that I haven't knitted anything for some time.

My Mum got me the Knitty Gritty Beginners & Next Steps book for Christmas. I have to say this is the best 'learn how to knit' book I have found! It has clear instructions, photos of what your knitting should look like at each stage, and even a 'what could go wrong' section at the end of each project.

The first two things I've knitted from the book have been baby related - booties and a hat - as almost everyone I know is pregnant right now! These cute little items were happily recieved in the new home and will be worn by Lily May as soon as she is born!

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